Friday, April 3, 2009

strong-arm societies

from what i can tell, unions appear to be obsolete. in fact, maybe they're just an outright hindrance to our society at this point. for instance, think of how disruptive a public transit or school strike is. the wrong people are hurt and gosh for you guys, tax money pays you, etc.... you ought to be spitting on your students & parents and passengers. and manufacturing, do you know why your jobs are going overseas? also being a consumer, you're demanding lower prices. that also means the cost to produce needs to go down. you can only inject so much cost before it's just impractical. (yes, of course there are many business-men selling our country out.) perhaps we're just not content with our wages, when they may just be fair for what the work is.

beyond that, with all the decades-worth of laws and even organizations such as OSHA out there, i doubt there is any real need left.
if unions are truly necessary still, then there ought to be a salaried office-worker's unions. then all you working in cubicles could perhaps demand compensation for all the hours you're forced to work over 40 to prove you "care" or are "dedicated". that's some abuse that ought to be fought.


Anonymous said...

Moderation is usually always the best way to handle things. Unions have their uses. They are meant to protect worker exploitation. That is not a bad thing. Think of people who work at Wal-mart. This is me talking out of my head here but I am assuming the majority of Wal-mart workers are not college educated. Their options are limited. Now a company like Wal-mart can be like "hey be glad we are giving you a job. Don't expect anything but minimum wage from us." Thus they can take advantage of people. If you are down with that way of thinking than hating all unions makes sense. I agree unions can be counter productive as well. I think the unproductive ones will end up killing themselves off anyway by pricing themselves out of competition. For example it would get to a point where a factory will say "Hey it's cheaper to move over seas where we don't have to deal with unions. Eventually Unions will have to "get with it" or they'll end up costing more jobs than protecting them.

Jeremy said...

heh, moderation for sure. :) since this post my wife ended up on a union at the college she works at. they certainly have their benefits. of course, i still hold there are ridiculous facets, but really, it's just people themselves can get so nuts...but that's in anything eh? :)