Wednesday, February 18, 2009


this is an (abridged) email conversation my uncle and i had about a board game some friends made, but it turned out to be similar to something that was already patented. no less, it's still a ridiculously enjoyable game. :)

me: "yeah it's hard to come across something that hasn't already been done these days. :)"

uncle ray: "yes. i'm sure you've heard that you need to think outside the box. well, no, not really. we should be thinking as if there is no box...because there isn't one! it revolutionizes your thinking but also distances you from society, but there is true freedom there."

.....hehe, end of conversation!

we (all you people and me), always talk about thinking outside of the box. so what does that mean? ...a whole lot more than the dude stuck in the tall cardboard box we used to see in commercials for sure!

in one way, you can see it as not considering restrictions and shooting for the stars and beyond. why put limitations on something you're trying to do or figure out if you haven't already set out?

another thought is do something new, don't think about what's been done, there's still plenty to dream up and invent. don't pull a reference point for starters if you don't need one (although you may). you are a created being who was made in the image of the Creator. you have the power to come up with all sorts of wild stuff. it's a fantastic thing!

another thought among who knows how more is how we talk about not putting God in a box. i'm certain we don't even scratch upon the surface of who he is. one facet is how much we don't get how much he loves us and is so forgiving. another is just the on-going questions of life such as existence and what is all this... we always put things in the perspective of what we know, have seen; our current existence. i know i've had some outlandish ideas, and i'm sure many other people have too about this existence of ours, but if we are a created things, perhaps we're only fathoming existence in the light of our limitations and current world. i think i just said the same thing twice. we'll just leave it at that. ;)

anyway, i'm not the best writer. i just want to put some thoughts forth and maybe you'll do something better with them than i can. i'm not going to try an come to an conclusion with any of these. i just hope the following are worth reading and chewing on....

1. you ever read a "Wrinkle In Time"? or any of the books in that series? i remember in that book in particular, there were these creatures on one planet who didn't have eyes, they didn't even know of the concept of sight. when it was explained to them, it was ghastly in ways, and they thought it was more of a troublesome thing in ways.

2. a month or so ago, the youth pastor at our church did this pretty nifty sermon. i won't go into the whole scope of what he said, but he mentioned it is supposed at this time that there are at least 10 dimensions. yes, planes in which we are and there is. think about that. i get 3 or 4, but what could the rest be? the "spirtual realm"? one of those a pathway Jesus took to walk through walls?

heh, it makes me think of another book i had to read in 10th grade geometry class, "Flatland".

with that "forever" is just so abstract, confusing, or at times terrifying to comprehend, but then again, we've been bound to a time-line in our current state. it's all we've known so far.

3. (i almost want to put a further conversation about this in another post sometime) my new guitarist friend tom said something along the lines about how we are creative beings. now some of this was in the context of "christian" and "non-christian" music and how riduclous and perhaps how over-religious/legalistic the who concept has become in ways... but anyway, he was saying that sometimes he just sits down and writes something that he wants to hear. that sounds obvious right? well, yeah, i do that, and sometimes i'm the only person who likes the tune -- hey that's ok right? yes! but there are people who fall into various ruts though. one may feel like they must stay on track with what's current and popular, so people like it. another just wants to be like a particular artist. others just want to be known, they don't care what style it becomes. some have to have an agenda behind their words or they don't feel true to their beliefs and purposes...

ok, that's all from me. my apologies if you were patient enough to weed through all of that and make it to the bottom. i love words, but i am no master of them. ...or clear, concise thoughts for that matter! ;) it felt goot to express...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very thought provoking, Jeremy. Thanks for the post.

Have you ever seen the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?"? It's an interesting movie about quantum physics, time, and our perception of the world around us. It's from a secular perspective with a childish view of God, but it does challenge the science community to think "out of the box" ;)

I have a copy of it... let me know if you're interested!