Wednesday, October 14, 2009

too much

i think it could be we have too much internet for the little time we really have. what i'm saying is, computers, electronics, the internets are the best tools ever. at the same time, at least in our culture, many/most of us lack the discipline and judgement to draw a darker line as to when we're just wasting time and getting distracted. yes sometimes it's ok, but i think it's safe to say for many of us, this happens more often than we wish.

to this day, since high school, through college, the corporate world, and even working for myself doing what i've always longed for, i've found it hard to just get online and do what i need and then go elsewhere. the rabbit trails one can find are amazing and engrossing; some of them so worth it, some of them you wish you had 2 hours back... no less, i wrote. i hope that was worth something. it helps me somehow; getting things in writing and text. and yes, i confess, maybe some of this is the fact i must have ADD and just have a hard time keeping on task without needing to see this or that or something new....but then again, did watching too much tv growing up change my default expectations of needing too much information, fast answers without thinking, and new flashy this and thats....often? after all, i do remember when the Disney Afternoon started back in the 90s when i was a kiddie. i've seen every single Goof Troop, Dark Wing Duck, Tail Spin, etc... and i watched probably most if not all the episodes of Full House, Saved By the Bell, Brady Bunch, and others.... those non-cartoons i mentioned, i hated, but my sister was watching them and for some reason i was inexplicably glued till close to bedtime. yeah, sad.

let's reign them brains in. and with that, our lives. :)